SuperWorld > Full Case Study



SuperWorld is a virtual world where users can buy, sell, collect, and curate over 64 billion unique virtual land plots using cryptocurrency. Although SuperWorld saw many visitors, its conversion rate of users signing in to purchase the land was low. We identified the issues and re-designed the platform to improve it's user experience, leading to an increased sales by 30% per week.

My Team

My Contribution

User research & Synthesis
Persona & Journey Map
Sketching Wireframes
Rapid Prototyping
Usability Testing & Iterations
Create Style Guide

Project Tools

Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator

Team Methodology
Project Constraints
SCRUM framework
2 Sprints
Daily Stand-up
Retro Meetings
Low Budget
ight Deadlines
Designing for Blockchain
Remote Collaboration

Design Process


About the Product

SuperWorld virtual real estate is a place where users can buy, sell, collect, and curate over 64 billion unique virtual land plots using cryptocurrency. When you buy a piece of SuperWorld virtual real estate, you acquire a unique and irreplicable piece of the Ethereum blockchain(Token), including monetization opportunities available on your virtual property.


AR Gaming Market by 2023   


AR Advertising Market by 2023

Business Objectives

We started our design process with stakeholder interviews to understand the target users, timeline, technical limitations, business needs and success metrics for the new Superworld AR Real Estate design.

<div>Icons made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a></div><div>Icons made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a></div><div>Icons made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a></div>
Improve the UX of current site
Increase in the plot sales
Increase in the Sessions
(Retention & Growth)

Who Are The Target Users?

Identifying the types of users was an important activity that helped us in re-designing the platform. For a Real Estate virtual platform based on Blockchain & AR we identified the below target users:

<div>Icons made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a></div><div>Icons made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a></div><div>Icons made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a></div>
People interested in buying
virtual real estate
People who own crypto and are interested in our technology
Mixed reality & Crypto

User Interviews

We conducted 8 user interviews with the existing and new users. The goals with the interviews was to observe users performing multiple tasks on the site to understand:

  1. Navigability of the platform in guiding users to purchase or sell plots
  2. If the users are able to get the concept of digital real estate purchase using cryptocurrency
  3. The overall experience of users in purchasing or selling real estate and any roadblocks in the process

Users had difficulties in completing the purchasing & selling plot task


Users faced challenges with the navigation of the platform


Average Rating for overall user experience of the
real-estate platform


Users felt that the platform lacked onboarding experience

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Generating Insights

With the interviews done and enough information collected, we used affinity map technique to find themes in the data. This grouping helped us to identify pain areas of the users. We then converted the key themes into 'How Might We..' questions for brainstorming solutions.

Click on the image for zoom

User Personas

Answering the ‘Who we are designing for?’ based on the collected information led to the creation of the user personas that helped us to understand expectations, concerns and motivations of the target users.

Mapping Existing User Flow With Challenges

I went through the entire buying and selling process to experience and map all the challenges listed by the users. The user flow helped us in understanding the typical buying experience and identifying the user frustrations at different points. I presented the existing user flow to the team in a presentation which can be accessed from here : SuperWorld Walkthrough

Click on the image for zoom

Heuristic Evaluation

Going ahead, I also did a heuristic evaluation to the identify usability problems in the user interface (UI) design of existing platform. The key issues are listed as below:

All Identified Issues

  • Features are not available for non-registered users
  • Lack of guidance with the buying and Selling process
  • User can't view sale properties and history
  • Metamask is not prominent
  • Users can't see their past activity
  • Search is not informative/specific
  • User's first experience in SW is difficult
  • Digital Wallet connection process is not understood
  • Users don't know how to promote and sell their plots
Poor UI
  • Icons are not prominent and intuitive
  • Notifications can easily slip past attention
  • Wallet connection status is difficult to understand
  • My properties tab is clumsy
  • Legends used for plots are confusing
  • The plot windows are small
  • Users emails are not saved
  • SW is not engaging as a community
  • Users don't have a way to share their purchases
  • User don't have a way to share the content
  • Need to educate users about the platform

Defining Problem Statements

As a team we reviewed the business goals and customer’s pain points and converted insights into HMW questions. We then voted on the problems that need to be solved first based on the impact and listed them in Phase One.

Click on the image for zoom
Phase One
  • How might we make sure that users are able to discover SW real estate before signing in?
  • How might we improve the Buying and Selling process?
  • How might we make sure the legends and icons are understandable and clear?
  • How might we improve the design for 'My Properties'?
  • How might we make sure that users get a sense of the value of land?
  • How might we make a user's first experience in SW simpler?
  • How might we make Metamask prominent?
  • How might we show users their past activity?
  • How might we get users emails?

Brainstorming Solutions

The entire team participated in multiple brainstorming sessions and we made use of the same Miro board to post our solutions for each goal. We all voted on the solutions which further led to creation key functionalities and user stories that are presented below.

Click on the image for zoom
Key Functionalities
User Stories

New Site Map

To get a full picture of the new real-estate platform, I created a site map and iterated over it during the design process. It also helped us to make better design decisions during the wireframing phase.

Click on the image for preview
• • •


User Flow Iterations

Next, we started creating wireframes to build a structure for the new user flow and took feedback from design lead to iterate on the flow and designs.

Click on the images for zoom

Design Iterations

After we confirmed on the core functionalities that we needed to include as solution, we started quick, low fidelity wireframes and converted them to high-fidelity.

Click on the image for zoom
Problems Solved:
Unable to view properties without sign-in

Poor Map UI
Users don't get the sense of land

Key Design Decisions:
Design for cards, icons & legends
Discoverable features
Map layout
Product Onboarding / Tutorial
Problems Solved:
User's first experience in SW is difficult

Key Design Decisions:
Number and flow of slides
Design and content of each slide
Illustrations matching to the content
Click on the image for zoom
• • •

High-Fidelity Prototype


We were continuously testing and iterating on the designs with the team members during our weekly critique sessions. Before the final delivery of the product we conducted usability testing with seven users to check if the features work as expected and if there are any opportunities of improvements. You can view the first prototype here. Given below are the results from the testing and user quotes:

"Great experience, good improvement. Loved how you all have made this new design, more compelling & clinical."
"The site is easy to navigate and has clean UI. The information was sufficient to buy or sell. A few times I had questions but I could figure that out by myself."

Average Rating for the overall site user experience

Results & Defects

Design Handoff

We simultaneously created the new design system in Adobe XD and iterated over it as we were designing the prototype. It helped to speed up the design process while also helping build bridges amongst team member working on different modules.

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Business Impact


Increase in the sales/Week

1 M +

In Sale In 8 Months       


Increase in Users/Week

• • •

Key Learnings

Designing at the Speed of a Startup

This was my first time designing for a fast-paced start-up. I learned to challenge my self to design in less time, communicate frequently with the partners and not to spend a lot of time into achieving perfect designs.

Involve engineers and PMs in the process

I learned that collaboration with others is a fantastic source of inspiration and criticism, and other collaborators are a vital source of support during reviews, helping to justify the design decisions.

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